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Makeover Session FAQs

Can I use my existing furnishings? 

Certainly! I will try my very best to use any furnishings that will fit in the new room whenever possible. 

What is the difference between The Makeover Session and Full Interior Design? 

The Makeover Session is simply decorating a room with new furnishings - giving it new purpose and/or life. Interior design, on the other hand, is more layered and intentional process. Interior designing a room requires a lot more time and attention. But, rest assured, you will have links to selections for a beautifully transformed room in the end.  

Can a friend participate in the session? 

This session is only for up to two people who live together in the space. It helps keep us on track. 

What sort of budget do I need for this service? 

The budget will vary depending on what items will be replaced or needed. However, you can buy your selections at your own pace. 

Are we shopping retail online or on a specific website?

Both. Primarily, our shopping will happen on an affiliated platform where if you decide to purchase the items, they will take care of the logistics for you. Whatever we don't find there, then we'll look elsewhere. 

Is there a question you would like to ask?

I'd be happy to answer! Send me an email, here

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